Step Into a Higher YOU!
The image you hold of yourself is extremely powerful when it comes to what shows up in your life. If you have a low self-concept you won’t have the level of success you want, or the quality of relationships you desire. You may find yourself constantly putting yourself down, judging and finding fault with yourself. If you want to create a life you love, you need to step into a higher you.
So how do you change your self-concept? It begins with making the conscious decision to change. You need to make a decision to develop more mindfulness about your self-talk, and the feelings you are having about yourself. Your self-talk can directly influence how you feel about yourself, so when you begin to talk to yourself in a kind and loving way, refraining from any put downs or judgements, you will begin to feel better about yourself.
But the real power is to imagine who your ideal self is. See him/her in your minds eyes and get as detailed as you can. Don’t hold back! Don’t let your conscious mind get in the way telling you this is impossible for you. You are the painter. You hold the paintbrush. If you could paint yourself anyway you desire, what would you paint? Now do this with your imagination. Imagine your ideal self.
The ideal self you imagine becomes the blueprint for what you are creating, first on the level of the imagination and secondly in your physical reality. If you need to lose weight, get in shape, have greater relationships, make more money, visualize your ideal self as already having all this. And keep holding the vision of this ideal self in your minds eye.
As you begin to hold the vision of your ideal self and be mindful of your self-talk, you will begin to shift and start embodying more of the qualities of your ideal self. You may find yourself eating better, exercising, following intuition and inspiration, having new business or job opportunities, and having the right people show up in your life.
Be sure to watch the video at the top of this page for a deeper dive into changing your self-concept and step into a higher you. This is one of the most important steps you can take to transform your life to a life you love.
For help and support stepping into a higher version of yourself, join my conscious creators community.