Pruning Imagination (Resolving our Past Pain)
Neville Goddard teaches us the importance of pruning our imagination, much like pruning a tree, to remove all unlovely thoughts and feelings so that our imagination remains strong and flourishing. But how do we prune our imagination when deep emotional pain surfaces, triggered by events or memories? Should we ignore it, push it away, or deny its existence?
The answer is NO.
Emotional pain and trauma are often rooted in past experiences, forming deeply ingrained beliefs such as “I don’t matter,” “I’m not important,” “I am not loved,” “Nobody cares about me,” or “I’m not worthy.” When this pain is triggered, these core beliefs resurface, creating stories in our minds that reinforce feelings of unworthiness, insignificance, or rejection. Left unchecked, this cycle of pain and story-making can spiral, leaving us feeling worse. So, how can we effectively prune this pain away?
Acknowledge and Accept
The first step is to acknowledge the deep emotional pain without judgment. Allow yourself to feel the pain fully and recognize its presence. Understand that your old self may be tempted to attach a story to the pain, but consciously choose to detach from these stories. Simply stay present with the feeling itself, recognizing it as an internal experience.
Take Responsibility for Your Pain
Often, when in pain, we may feel compelled to blame others for our suffering. However, healing requires us to take full responsibility for our feelings. Shift the focus inward and recognize that the pain resides within you, and therefore, it is yours to resolve. Others may act out of their own pain, but their actions do not define your worth.
Speak to Your Inner Child
When you connect with the part of yourself that is in pain, ask it what it needs. Does it need reassurance that it is loved, valued, and important? Offer these affirmations to yourself. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your solar plexus, or wherever the pain resides in your body. Speak to your inner child with compassion and kindness:
- “You are loved.”
- “I love you.”
- “You matter.”
- “You are important to me.”
- “You are worthy.”
- “You deserve to be treated well.”
- “It’s not your fault.”
- “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
- “I am here for you.”
Continue offering these affirmations until the pain begins to ease. By being present with yourself in this loving way, you foster trust with your inner child. Over time, the painful moments will become less frequent and less intense.
Let Go of External Validation
As you heal, you will notice that the actions or words of others trigger you less. You will come to understand that your worthiness is not determined by anyone else. It is something you define for yourself. By resolving these deep-seated feelings of unworthiness, you free yourself from the grip of the past and open the door to creating a brighter future.
Transforming Through Self-Love
Many of us struggle to achieve financial success or fulfilling relationships because unresolved feelings of unworthiness hold us back. As long as we cling to the pain of the past, we remain trapped in its shadow. By addressing and resolving our deepest emotional wounds, we step into a higher version of ourselves—a version that feels deserving of love and abundance.
The Pruning Process
Pruning isn’t about cutting away or ignoring parts of yourself. It’s about being fully present with your pain and allowing it to resolve through love and compassion. Treat yourself with the same care and tenderness you would offer a hurting child. By doing so, you create space for growth and healing.
Be Patient
Healing is not an overnight process. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you navigate this journey. Seek support if you need it; you don’t have to do this alone. As you resolve your deepest emotional pain, you free yourself to live in the present, unburdened by the past. From this place of presence, you can create an extraordinary future, stepping fully into the version of yourself who knows their true worth and value.
By pruning your imagination with love and care, you nurture a flourishing inner landscape, ready to manifest the life you truly desire.